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Do women like rich guys?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Do women like rich guys?

I have never met a woman that likes rich guys. They often do like guys that are well educated, witty, and assertive, which in some societies at least, tends to correlate with high net worth and/or high relative incomes. I would be interested in others view.
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former member default image - bird flying away

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May 21, 2007
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: Rich Guys
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First off from a female point of view,what you you say is true. I'm someone who has been single for many years and has had the opportunity to date a wide selection of men. You have heard the term looks are only skin deep its what counts thats on the inside. Me and most women I know will go for what is on the inside before we look at what is in the bank or the cover{looks}. Money can't buy love...sure it can make you happy for awhile....but then what? How can you really know if someone is with you for your money or because they truely love you. The same goes for those that have to have a pretty boy or a "model woman" most times they are so caught up in thier own looks and there anything left to give to your partner.
For this female I want a man who knows what he wants. Who is self assured. finacelly stable (I have already suffred enough of the "hard times") emotionally stable. Romantic, passionate, can carry on a conversation, who can put others needs first. who doesn't have to be asked to do something......just does it. For this woman give me a helpless romatic anyday! [/color]
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I've never been around any rich I wouldn't know. I would like to chat though if anyone is interested.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

.I don't know...I don't think I would like to date a millionaire but I would not mind being his friend to just ask questions on how they do it and live and to see how they live...I think it would be fun.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

.it's depend of women's feeling. if that woman just want to seeking love without millionaire , so she doesnt need, her bf must be millionaire. but if she want to has bf who millionaire, so . she just seeking millionaire. so not all women just want to millionaire. a half want to love and a half want to millionaire. look like there are badness and best in this world. so it's balance.
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April 7, 2008
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.hello i thik whoever you are who wrote this..first of all you need to go to school and learn how to speak the american language so people can understand you.yes to answer truthfully what woman would mind having a millionaire bf?but we ARE NOT all goldiggers.i think i would love whoever my bf was whether he was stinkin rich or barely had a dime its the heart that count money is just an added benefit.feel free to contact me at ..(removed) good day to all i hope i answered your questions truthfully
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May 15, 2008
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.Hi Looking for a kind loving man, for company and traveling. JANICE
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June 16, 2008
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Must he be wealthy as well, Janice? Or will love alone keep your naturist heart warm...?

From the tone of the correspondence here it seems women continue more than men to be attracted to, by, wealth.

Is lots of money the equivalent of power and therefore attraction?

Sure, there's no joy in poverty. But money on its own is meaningless. Money is merely an economic symbol. It's what can be done with that money in circulation that counts in an honest society.

Or is it more of a Charles d---ens' "Scrooge" notion that in some way, perhaps by osmosis, the mere accumulation of wealth, of money, is enough to buy "happiness"?

But this means that a "Scrooge" hearted person is appallingly insecure as well as immature, missing out on the chance for genuine love.

And isn't real Love the most valuable, richest, of all things in humanity?

Of course, with genuine Love, there's never a guarantee, or a commercial bank to milk prime rates of interest. It takes an adventurous and poetic soul who is willing to risk virtual short-term comforts and certainties for unconditional but genuine long-term gains.

But maybe first we must each examine and define our terms: What do we mean when we use the word "love"? And if discrimination is a "condition", then what do we see as precursors and preconditions - as well as constants, for genuine Love...?

Or does a swag of money compensate for most human failings?

- Wylde


starbirdie wrote: .Hi Looking for a kind loving man, for company and traveling. JANICE

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April 23, 2007
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.If the woman is honest with herself and with others she may learn that wealth comes in other forms. I personally am hoping to find a man wealthy in heart, in compassion, in love of self, God and family. wealth would be more comfortable but in my lifetime I have learned how resilient we can be. I've been close to the very bottom of the financially comfortable well. My family suffered for it. I suffered for it and am still in that place. It would be wonderful to be able to rent a video whenever I want instead of waiting until payday or just go for a drive or meet friends for a BBQ and be able to prepare more than hot dogs.

Wealth wears many masks. Are you looking from inside the mask ...or from the outside?

Be well and be good to yourself.
Blessed Be,
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Why does everyone talk as if money is evil and you can never become happy with it. If that's so then why are you chatting on a millionaires site? Is it because unconsciously everyone truly knows that money is very important to attain a fullfilling life? Not to say money is the only thing that will make you happy but it sure as hell contributes towards your happiness. I'll be straight, I want money and lots of it. People who fear financial success and wealth are the ones who are always broke and complaining. They cover up their misery by saying that they don't want or like money. Everyone on this planet should want to live a rich and wealthy life cos only then will they get it. Am looking for a millionare myself, not for his money but to learn how to make it myself!

Be Successful!
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

.I do not specifically like rich men. But I am a rich woman and I am attacked by men all the time looking for a free ride. I joined this site in order to find a man that was on my same financial level.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

.I joined this site not to use anyone but to expand our experiences with more positive people. Just because someone is poor doesn't mean that all are money grabbers. Sure it would be great for us to be able to get our monetary needs improved since life requires it to do so in this time zone. I have been alone for 18+ years and not used a man for income since my ex walked out with the money, access to the money laughing in the kids and I's faces as he did so. His Korean mistress was waiting for him and he had control over me so he thought. Didn't work. We survived. Good luck in your search.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I have to say i would like to meet a rich man but i would never date a man based on money alone. Also if i met someone who didnt have alot of money i would not be less attracted to them because they are not rich. I believe there is someone for everyone i just hope my someone is rich lol.

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March 2, 2010
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PostPosted:     Post subject: dating a rich man
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In all honesty i would love to have a man that just loves me for who i am inside, and i would love him the same, in my eyes wealth isnt only just monentary but , love affection and happiness play a big part in this also, as long as he showers me with alot of affection and love, i see past the bank. all i focus on his pleasing him and us being as a team.

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